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Brain Talk

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Focus on the well-being of the brain is an emerging and growing concept that encompasses neural development, plasticity, functioning, and recovery across the life course. Good brain health is a state in which every individual can realize their own abilities and optimize their cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioural functioning to cope with life situations. Numerous interconnected social and biological determinants (incl. genetics) play a role in brain development and brain health from pre-conception through the end of life. These determinants influence the way our brains develop, adapt and respond to stress and adversity, giving way to strategies for both promotion and prevention across the life course.
~ World Health Organisation ~
Learn how to improve your mental well-being by letting your brain talk! Our brain can tell us what is causing us to be stressed and what we can do about it. Are you listening to her and treating her well?
  • Counseling and Psychotherapy: Counseling is usually more short-term than therapy. Psychotherapy is more long-term focusing on a broader range of issues usually from the past, contributing to present day problems. The approaches used here are guided not only by neuroscience, but it is framed by a model that leverage the power of the brain to execute meaningful change. 
  • ​Psychological Assessments: The purpose of assessment is typically for diagnosis or classification. This is basically using the assessment numbers to place you in a strictly or loosely defined category of people to allows us to promptly understand what you are like in general, and to assess the presence of other relevant characteristics, particularly the brain, compared against others in similar categories to you.
  • Neural Interventions: These are noninvasive, non-medication-based, and empirically proven interventions for disorders such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and enhancing cognitive functions. The approach works by utilizing neurofeedback to reprogram the brain in behaving toward the desired manner (e.g. reduced inattentiveness towards learning; increased focus).
  • ​Pharmacological Treatment: This focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders. It helps to correct imbalances in brain chemistry that are thought to be involved in some mental disorders. Clients on long-term pharmacological treatment will need to meet with the psychiatrist periodically to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and any potential side effects.
Learn how to improve your intellectual growth by letting your brain stretch and retain new information to how they best learn. Are you helping it to recall and apply well consistently and reliably over time?
    General Learning: If you have a classroom full of learners, this does not mean they are equally ready to learn a particular topic, concept, skill, or an idea. It is important to understand that maturation of the brain influences learning readiness. For leaders, educators and parents, it is necessary to design and use effective brain strategies. We provide targeted whole brain learning courses to help individuals learn and perform better.
    • For students: When students feel disconnected from their learning and are unmotivated, the impacts can reach far beyond the classroom. Lack of engagement can lead to issues with academic performance, behaviour and personal wellbeing. When educators understand the ways students prefer to think and behave, they are empowered to personalise the learning experience and give students the tools they need to advocate for themselves and support their long-term success.
    • For Families: No one likes to feel misunderstood. We find that most miscommunications come from the intent-impact gap, which occurs when there is a disconnect between what is said and how it is interpreted. The breach between parent and child happens to the best of us with the best of intentions all the time.
    • For Organisation: Those who want to innovate, grow and create positive cultures celebrate cognitive diversity. When differing work styles and diversity of thought are welcome, staff create a culture of psychological safety and inclusion, which improves productivity. The appreciation for cognitive diversity, defined as “differences in opinions, worldviews, beliefs and ways of thinking,” is gaining ground at work and in school.
    Learn how to improve your physical well-being by letting your brain record and perform the routine your body needs. This involves what we tell ourselves and what we do. Are we aware of them?
    Physical health can be improved and enhanced with exercise. Exercise can help us improve our physique, trim our waistline, improve our sex life, and even add years to our life. It is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size.

    Regular exercise gives us an enormous sense of well-being. We can feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about ourselves and life. And it’s also a powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges. 

    Research suggests that physical exercise, is very beneficial for maintaining brain health. It can make a major difference in terms of how our body is functioning and, as a result, how our brain is functioning. Therefore, to preserve our cognitive health, our best bet is to work out our body and our mind through regular exercise, and mentally and socially stimulating activities.
    • Strength Training: This is about building muscles involving physical workouts like lifting weights and calisthenics. Depending on the body type and physical health needs, training may be personally customized or planned with a trainer.
    • Endurance Training: Endurance is our body’s physical capability (heart and muscle) to sustain an exercise for an extended period. Achieving good endurance ability sharpens the mind, alleviates stress, builds confidence and develops mental fortitude.
    • ​Body Composition: Body composition is split up into fat mass (body tissue) and fat-free mass (others - muscle, organ, bone, fluid). We want to improve our physical health burning fat mass and building muscles to increase fitness.
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